3DEO (3deo.com)
We unlock the power of your data with rapid and customisable solutions, to inform and empower your strategic decisions. We are the experts in combining 3D visualisation, earth observation and big data analytics. At 3DEO, we know it is time-consuming and costly for your organisation to respond to critical situations with the right solution. Our cost-effective and customisable solutions provide you with easy-to-use tools, informing your decisions and turning problems into opportunities. For Marine & Maritime: Sensor agnostic ingest of marine survey data, combined with terrestrial and/or user generated data. Enabling holistic earth surface visualisation and analysis that captures the complexity of the land and sea interface. For City Resilience: Modelling the complex and organic nature of our cities to create intelligent, dynamic and efficient solutions for emerging problems or facilitate smarter answers to well established ones.
3DEO (3deo.com) Offices
OnSite Workspace
Employees work from physical offices.
Typical time on-site:
Belfast, Northern Ireland